The WEBA hay-conditioner
In 1994 Werner Balsiger was looking for a cure to COPD-sick gelding named Poker – a horse with gentle character , belonging to the Balsiger family – to prevent the beloved animal from being slaughtered.
Thereby resulted a construction which worked wonders!
Werner Balsiger never had in mind to bring his invention on the market to capitalize on it. The more astonished he was when suddenly he got the media attention. His invention got presented in all the relevant journals – the history has spread amongst several veterinarians like wildfire. Even Dr. Jürgen Bartz, Germany, mentioned this new method of hay-conditioning in his publication “Hilfe, mein Pferd hustet”.
Thus, Werner Balsiger was asked to find a name for his invention as soon as possible, so one has a designation for this hay-conditioning machine. So he quickly chose the four initial letters of his name and added the term “hay-conditioner” indicating the benefit of this machine.
In the beginning, all of the metal parts (galvanised iron and anodised aluminium) were produced individually and the complete WEBA was offered for SFr. 1680.-. Since the WEBA should be affordable for everyone after all, Werner Balsiger is always looking for alternatives produced at a reduced rate providing the same quality…
During one hour a vapourizer exposes the hay with steam, which binds all the dust, who is responsible formany lung-problems and allergies, to the halm
By this procedure, the dust ends up in the digestive system, where it causes no harm
The processed hay is fed warmly, which causes an additional inhalation effect. You can add different ethereal oils like eucalyptus, peppermint or fir cone to the hay
Tierarzt-Bericht zur Anwendung des WEBA von 1997